
Showing posts from March, 2024

Day 8 - Seville, Spain (Part 2)

 The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See, better known as Seville Cathedral The second part of our day consisted of a tour of Seville Cathederal.  Like the Royal Alcázar, you could send an entire day here. According to our tour giude, appoximately 10% of Christopher Columbus is interned here along with his son Diego. Exhausted, we grabbed some dinner and turned in.  The next day I would awake with a fever and spent the entire day in bed.  Patty went out on her own and did some shopping.  Once again the temperature was in the upper 90's, so I think she appreciated not having and tours scheduled.  Since I didn't leave the hotel, we skip ahead to day 10.

Day 8 - Seville, Spain (Part 1)

 The Royal Alcázar of Seville I wasn't prepared for The Royal Alcázar of Seville.  It was far more spectacular than I had realized during my preparations for the trip.  This is one of several locations that we would visit that had been used as a location for A Game of Thrones. Scultures at the beginning of the tour. Lunch break! Self-assured peacocks looking for handouts. It was 96 degrees but we took a quick tour of the gardens. This would prove to be a long and tiring day.  That's the problem when you have a limited number of days to try to see too many sites.

Day 7 - Madrid to Córdoba to Seville, Spain

 Travel day with a stop at The Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba. We started the day off with a relatively quick train ride to the town of Cordoba.  Our final destination for the day was Seville. I had seen photos of The Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba so I knew that this was a stop that I had to work into our schedule.  It took us a while to figure out that we needed to our bags at the bus station which was across the street from the train terminal. Original construction began in the year 785! After our self-guided the tour, we retrieved our bags and headed back to the train station.  By the time we got to our hotel in Seville, it was after 10pm.  We searched out a quick dinner and called it a day.